Maintained by C. Green from York University, this site contains articles and book excerpts from original works in the field of psychology. Use Index (by author or by topic) to locate documents.
From SAMHSA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this website provides statistics, health topics, available grants, data and health reform news.
The ACA is "dedicated to the growth and enhancement of the counseling profession." (ACA website) Materials accessible on the site include: ACAeNews, Counseling Corner, continuing education, government affairs, Counseling Today, job listings and ethics are just a few of the subjects covered on this site. Limited free content.
"The world's largest association of psychologists, with nearly 130,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members." (
"ASCA provides professional development, publications, and other resources, research and advocacy to professional school counselors around the globe." Limited free access.
Check out preparation book, Praxis School Guidance & Counseling, available in the library's eBook Collection. Username and password required for access. Use same login you use for Blackboard and your Lakeland email.