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ENG 225 Multicultural American Literature: Find Articles

What is a scholarly article?

This 3 minute video from Vanderbilt University's Peabody Library defines scholarly journal and explains how to find scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.

This is a short video from the Lincoln Memorial University which explains the difference between Scholarly and Popular Sources.

Where can I find this article in full-text?

Sound familiar?  You have a citation for an article you'd like to read, but don't know where to find the complete article.

Use  Full Text Finder to see if the article is available in a library database. Follow these steps:

  • Enter the name of the publication in which the item appeared.
  • Click Search. Your results will provide a link to library databases containing the complete article.
  • Check the dates of coverage. If the library subscribes to a print copy of the journal, that will be noted. If the items is not available, give interlibrary loan services a try. 

Literature Databases

Login required: Log in to library databases with the same credentials you use to access your Lakeland email and Blackboard.

List of Databases on library web page.

Directions for MLA (video 5:59)

Related Databases

Directions for JSTOR (Video, 4:06 minutes,  created originally for religion class.  Directions are the same regardless of topic.)

Google Scholar

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