Be sure to use the business plan format outlined in your textbook. These samples for a variety of businesses demonstrate the types of information typically included in a business plan.
Access to a variety of U.S. census data and government surveys. Locate statistics for your community, county, the state or beyond. Includes data on age, population, race, income, the economy, education, family make-up, health and more.
The United States Census Bureau is a premier source of data on population, economy, employment, families and living arrangements, education, health, income/poverty and housing in the U.S.
Lectures, short quality videos for startups and tools to get the job done. Developed by the Kauffman Foundation "to help entrepreneurs grow great ideas." (From website)
Often quoted reports on American social and demographic trends, politics, religion, technology, and global issues. Numerous surveys/reports on Hispanic/Latino population in the U.S.