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PSY 305 Health Psychology: Locate Articles

Created for Dr. Strean's class.

Library Databases

Login required. To login to library databases, use the same credentials you use to access your Lakeland email and Blackboard.

Peer-reviewed/scholarly articles required? Many databases include both popular and scholarly articles.  Use available limiter options to restrict your results to scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.

Directions. Created for counseling students.  Basic steps and options would be the same for using Health Source: Nursing/Academic.

Other Databases

Health Psychology Journals

Where can I find this article?

Image: Derivitive geralt. CC0 1.0.

Need to locate an article from a citation?  Use Full Text Finder. Enter the title of the journal in which the article appeared. Your results will include a link to the appropriate database if the article is available in Lakeland's online library.  

Full-text Finder says, "No results found." Now what? Give our interlibrary loan services a try.

John Esch Library | Lakeland University | W3718 South Drive | Plymouth, WI 53073 | (920) 565-1038 ext. 2420