All library databases are password protected. Log in using the same credentials you use to access Blackboard and your Lakeland email account.
Video: Burke, A., Orphanides, A., Chung, H., Dorafshar, D., Langdon, K. and Duckett, K. (2014). Peer Review in Three Minutes. NCSU Libraries. (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)
Use these databases to locate articles on a specific topic.
Directions (video 7:08)
Directions. (Video created for counseling students; search steps would be the same.)
Directions. (This video covers PsycARTICLES. The steps for Research Library and Psychology Database will be the same. Check full text limiter if you wish to limit your search to complete articles available in the databases.
Image: Derivitive geralt. CC0 1.0.
Need to locate an article from a citation? Use Full Text Finder. Enter the title of the journal in which the article appeared. Your results will include a link to the appropriate database if the article is available in Lakeland's online library.
Full-text Finder says, "No results found." Now what? Give our interlibrary loan services a try.