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BUS 330 Management Principles: Articles

Created for Dr. Yaron J. Zoller's class.

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To access a library database, log in using the same credentials you use to acccess your Lakeland email and Blackboard.

What is a scholarly article?

This 3 minute video from Vanderbilt University's Peabody Library defines scholarly journal and explains how to find scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.

This is a short video from the Lincoln Memorial University which explains the difference between Scholarly and Popular Sources.

Business Source Complete

Other Databases with Business Content

Nexis Uni

Follow these steps to access a company dossier:

  • Click on the Nexis Uni link above.
  • Log in with your Lakeland credentials.
  • Click Menu in the upper left to reveal options.
  • Click Company Dossier.  
  • Allow pop-ups must be enabled in your browser.
  • Enter the name or ticker symbol in the Find A Company search box.
  • Click Enter
  • A list of companies matching your search terms will appear.
  • Click the company you want.
John Esch Library | Lakeland University | W3718 South Drive | Plymouth, WI 53073 | (920) 565-1038 ext. 2420