For best results use Chrome or Firefox. Designed to help you master APA writing style and develop your writing and professional research skills. Includes how-to videos, self-quizzes, tests, reference examples, and sample papers.
Log in with your Lakeland email address and password. Click Learn to access Quick Start videos and Tutorials. If video does not automatically load, click the forward arrow in bottom right of video screen. Here's some examples of what you'll find:
Includes: Basics of APA Style (tutorial), Quick Answers and easy access to APA Style blog. From the American Psychological Association, publisher of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, the official guide to APA formatting.
Website maintained by the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University. Provides explanations and examples of APA, MLA, and Chicago citation guidelines as well as basic information about formatting your paper. Choose writing styles listed on left or select Search.