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BA 730 Organizational Effectiveness: Finding Industry Info

Locating Statistics

Articles can be a good source of statistical data to include in your research project.  Another possible source is Statista.

Deloitte Industry Outlooks

Industry Reports in Business Source Complete (EBSCO)

Business Source Complete contains a variety of Industry Reports.  To search by industry:

  1. Enter search terms such as plumbing fixtures industry.  
  2. Scroll down to the limiters. 
  3. Move to Publication Type on the right side of the screen
  4. Use the pull down to reveal option.
  5. Select Industry Profile.
  6. Click Search.

You can also search by NAICS code (North American Industry Classification System) to zero in on industry news and trends.  NAICS codes are used by federal statistical agencies to classify the nature of a business for the purposes of statistical reporting.  For example, 441210 is used to identify used recreational vehicle (RV) dealers.  NAICS codes were created to replace the Standard Industrial Classification codes; however, both are still in use. Databases often provide for searching by NAICS or SIC codes. In Business Source Complete,

  1. Enter the NAICS code in the first search box.
  2. In the Select a Field box (second box), use the pull down and select  IC NAICS Code or Description. 
  3. Click Search to find article on companies in that line of work, or scroll down and select Industry Profile to limit your search to Industry Profile documents.

Search for NAICS and SIC codes.

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