Video: Burke, A., Orphanides, A., Chung, H., Dorafshar, D., Langdon, K. and Duckett, K. (2014). Peer Review in Three Minutes. NCSU Libraries. (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)
Image: Derivitive geralt. CC0 1.0.
Need to locate an article from a citation? Use Full Text Finder. Enter the title of the journal in which the article appeared. Your results will include a link to the appropriate database if the article is available in Lakeland's online library.
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Journals in our library databases do not include advertisements. If you do not have access to print copies of magazines, try your public library's online collection. Many public libraries provide Flipster or RBdigital (formerly Zinio) which provide online access to magazines from front to back including ads. You will need a public library card to access.