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New Evening, Weekend and Online (EWO) Students: Library Basics

Short introduction to Lakeland's John Esch Library. Learn how to find the information you need to successfully complete your research assignments.

Login Information

Password Required for Library Databases:  Log in with the same credentials you use to access your Lakeland email account and Blackboard.  

(Guide creator: Teresa Grimm.  Currently maintained by Jamie Kellner.)

Online Library User Manual

This manual outlines step-by-step basic directions for accessing and navigating online library resources.

portion of front cover of Online Library User's Guide


Welcome New Students

Determined to get off to a great start? Learn about Lakeland's online library before the semester begins.  Be prepared for research assignments that come your way. All classes are from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. To register, email 


Watch this short video for a general overview of library services. For subject-specific information, attend one of our online training sessions.

Need some help?

Profile Photo
James Kellner
Distance Education Librarian
W3718 South Dr.
Plymouth, WI 53073
920-565-1038 ext. 2419
John Esch Library | Lakeland University | W3718 South Drive | Plymouth, WI 53073 | (920) 565-1038 ext. 2420