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BA 782 Managing the Project Team: Citation Help

Created for Deborah Arfstrom's Managing the Project Team class. Covers how and where to locate project management information in Lakeland's online library.

Citation: A (Very) Brief Introduction

Thank you to NCSU Libraries for the use of this video. Credits: A. Burke, D. Dorafshar, K. Langdon, A. Orphanides, K. Duckett. This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial -ShareAlike 3.0 United States license.

APA Resources

Citation Generators

The citation generators listed below will construct a citation for you. They are not foolproof. Proofread the finished product carefully.

  • NoodleTools ( Select free tools at the bottom of the screen. Use NoodleTools Express.)  Select from APA, MLA or Chicago styles. As you enter information, pop-ups appear with formatting rules to help guide you. 
  • KnightCite
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