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Specialized Search Options
1. PUBLICATION TYPE OPTION: Check out the search options that will limit your search to Industry Profiles or Market Research Reports. After entering your search terms, scroll down the search screen to Publication Type. Use the scroll bar to view all options. Highlight the type of document you want. Click Search.
2. NAICS CODE OPTION: Business Source Complete allows you to limit your search to a particular NAICS Code. This technique can help you zero in on all that is new in a particular industry. Enter the appropriate code in the search box rather than search terms. Use the pull-down arrow in the next box and select IC NAICS CODE option. Click Search.
3. Relevance vs. Date order: Business Source Complete will return your results in Relevance order. Insuring you have the newest information can be extremely important in business research. To re-sort by date order use, the pull-down by the word relevance. Select Date Newest.